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Why I'm Running

My name is Ted Laking and I am seeking to run for the Yukon Party in the next territorial election.

While the scheduled date of the next election is November 2025, with a Legislature precariously held up through a Liberal-NDP coalition agreement there could be an election at any time.  By putting forward my intentions now, I am working to make sure that we can hit the ground running to ensure that Currie Dixon and the Yukon Party are ready when the election is called.

My motivation to run centres around my two young children and how life has become far too expensive for so many Yukon families and businesses while crime has increased in our community.

After nearly 8 years of a Liberal government in the Yukon, I am deeply concerned that the next generation of Yukoners will not have access to the same opportunities I had growing up.

With your valued support, I will advocate on behalf of Yukoners to recover a territory that we can all
afford to live in and that reflects our needs and our priorities.

I look forward to connecting with you to listen to what is important to you and discuss solutions for you,
your families and your businesses.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Buy your Yukon Party membership today.

Ted Laking is running to be MP for the Yukon. Will you support him?
Why I'm Running
Ted Laking is running to be MP for the Yukon. Will you support him?